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Image by Nerene Grobler

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, 
and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven,
and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" 

(Matthew 16:19)

Image by Rachel McDermott

Meet the Directors

            Director    Linda Will
Associate Director    Grace Kingara
Assistant Director     Mark Woodson
Assistant Director     Cindy Gremmert-Moseid
Assistant Director     Doug Larimer
Assistant Director     Scott Anderson
Assistant Director     Jeff Bong





We pray for

spiritual, emotional, and physical healing in the power of the Holy Spirit.  

But he was pierced

for our transgressions,

he was crushed

for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was on him,

and by his wounds,

we are healed.

(Isaiah 53:5)

Healing IS for today.


Salvation is a package deal:

  • Healing for our body

  • Salvation for our spirit.

  • Deliverance for our soul.

Jesus said believers

“will lay hands on the sick and they will recover” (Mark 16:18)

Walk in and sign up for prayers during the open hours, no appointment necessary.


We provide team prayer  led by the Holy Spirit


If you can't visit us on-site, give us a call for a prayer.


Prayer is always free. 

Freely you have received, freely give

(Matthew 10:8)


Northshore Healing Rooms

The Healing Rooms ministry is modeled

after John G. Lake’s Healing Rooms

of the early 1900s.


The Toronto Blessing Revival of the early 1990s fanned the fire for healing in Terri Kepler. She opened Northshore Healing Rooms in Bothell under the umbrella of the International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR) in 2004.

That same fire for healing ignited more than a decade ago still burns in our many volunteers today!


Currently, we have more than 30 spirit-filled prayer warriors from various local churches in the greater Seattle area. We pray with one heart and one mind to do what Jesus wants us to do as His disciples. 


"Jesus healed all those that were oppressed by the devil”

(Acts 10:38)

History of Healing Rooms

The Healing Rooms ministry is modeled after John G. Lake’s Healing Rooms of the early 1900s.


Lake was a Canadian-born businessman in America. The untimely death of several family members caused Lake to press in for divine healing. In 1908 Lake sold all he owned and moved to South Africa, with his family.  Within 6 months, his wife Jennie passed away while Lake was away on a missionary trip.  Irene, John’s sister, assisted Lake, by caring for his 7 children during his ministry outreaches.  Lake evangelized and performed many remarkable healings with signs and wonders.  He returned to the United States and remarried in 1914.


Lake opened the Healing Rooms in Spokane, Washington from 1915-1920.  During the 5 years of ministry, there were 100,000 healings.  A Federal Government representative, Dr. Rutledge, based on statistics, declared Spokane the “healthiest city in the world.”  John Lake also set up healing rooms in Portland and later in various places in California.  In 1935, John G. Lake passed away from a stroke and was buried in Spokane, WA.


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